Sunday, February 24, 2013

The demons we face

In this blog post I'm going to continue talking about the things you face in your life in college readiness. On this daybook page I drew a demon thing and a ball in chain labeled adulthood. In the paragraph I describe the people that influenced me and a few of the topics of my college readiness.

In hindsight I don't think I thoroughly thought through the drawing. There are many demons or obstacles along the pathway to going through college. I think the ball in chain is suiting, maybe a weight of the world on your shoulders scenario. I think if I could redraw the image it would be  lot different. It would be an uphill battle with many paths to choose from with many obstacles along the way, and the weight of adulthood would still be there. I think the main change though would be a support system. Family, friends, and people who inspire are there to help with the battles and help carry the weight.


  1. I like the drawing. Being an adult sucks balls. I am a kid and I have to do things like grow up and pay bills. I guess in time I'll mature up and handle all the pressures of being an adult. True that you get to do more things like vote, drink, and go to strip clubs but, at what price? I'd rather be watching Spongebob and eating cereal than going to school and having to worry about getting a high paying job.

  2. A support system helps everyone get through many situations in life. College is one of them that students really need their parents or friends if they are put in a stressful situation.

  3. I think college is way more difficult if you face it by yourself, same thing goes for life. You can only start succeeding once you invest in the help of others in my opinion.
